Atlanta  Stove



Atlanta Stove


The following was submitted by Randy Cone.



Atlanta Stove


Randy Cone


After years of building all the complex stoves I believe that I have finally found the lightest, easiest and fastest stove that I have seen.

I call it the “Atlanta” stove.

½ oz of fuel will get you a rolling boil in less than 4 minutes.


This is how it works.

It is a pressurized side burner made out of a single potted meat can.

It acts as its own pot stand as well so all you need is a light weight wind screen.

Step one: open the can.
Step two: eat the contents or give it to the dogs.
Step three: clean the can and remove the label,
Step four: using a drill put 22 evenly spaced holes around the can using a 5/64 drill bit at ¼ of an inch from the bottom of the can.
Step five: stuff the can with basic home fiberglass insulation.
Step six: use a primer pan. I use a 4 inch sheet of roof flashing cut to a circle with the edge crimped up          


You are finished.
Placing the pot on top of the can seals the stove and allows for the pressure to create the jets.

I have tested it 6 times outdoors in a breeze.
Using only 1/2oz of fuel.
I have consistently gotten a rolling boil in only 3 minutes and 48 seconds to 4 minutes even.
Using a roof flashing windscreen
My pot is a dollar store aluminum, Teflon coated pot with the handle removed
I use an open country aluminum plate that doubles as a pot lid.




All you do is add the 1/2 oz of fuel to the fiberglass and drip a small amount of fuel into the primer pan. Light the primer pan and immediately place the pot on top and add the wind screen.

I like the fact that this stove is its own pot stand. If you place the jets at 1/4 inch from the bottom they come in contact with the pot just right.

The drilling is the hardest part of the whole process. No inner walls to measure and cut, no exacto knife carving of a small hole in the bottom, no J.B. Weld to mess with. Three parts: can, pan and fiberglass insulation. If you use and traditional pot the windscreen needs to be as tight around the bottom of the pot as possible. If you use a grease can or soda can pot the windscreen needs more air flow holes but still needs to be tight around the pot.


Download the pictures here:


Any questions or comments? Please email me at:


Randy “Atlanta Randy” Cone




See the Templates Page for templates.



Note - This is just one of the many DIY alcohol stove options.  For more information on different options visit Zen and the Art of the Alcohol Stove.




Zen Backpacking Stoves


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